Wild Side Outdoors Brick and Mortar Store
This is still in the planning stage but will hopefully be open by fall 2025. The brick and mortar store will provide locals and tourists alike with quality basic outdoor gear at affordable prices. Departments to include but not limited to: hunting (archery and rifle), fishing (fly, ice and bait), hiking, backpacking, camping and paddle sports.

What is Wild Side Outdoors?
Wild Side Outdoors Online
Similar to it's sister company Backcountry Packraft Rentals, Wild Side Outdoors exists to connect people to the outdoors and to one another through experiencing the outdoor adventures. To that end, we provide quality outdoor gear to empower those adventures. We believe that with most outdoor gear you can get 80% of the performance of the very top brand at 50% of the price by researching mid tier brands and searching for deals on top tier brands. Our online store is focusing on that niche whenever possible. Our other focus will be outdoors related t-shirts, hats and stickers that really try to capture the humor and values of outdoor people "Inside Jokes for Outside People". Our current inventory of outdoor gear is mainly packraft related as this is a spin-off of Backcountry Packraft Rentals but we will be adding more hunting, fishing and general outdoor gear soon!

Wild Side Range and Event Center
This is still in the planning stage but hoping to be open by fall 2025. This space will be focused on the greater Browning community during the winter and will be additional retail space during the summer. The goal is to have a full archery/air gun range (60' shooting distance and 5 lanes) that will be available to the public for shooting leagues and youth leagues (4-H). The space will also be used for classes related to the outdoors or other events.